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Pengguna:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070426/Articles with more than 1 external links

Polé Wikipedia

Articles with more than 1 external links[sunting | sunting sumber]

Articles with more than 1 external links as of April 26, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Article ID Article
10 40 Halamang Utama
4 41 Malaysia
3 1797 Tcl
3 1790 Daftar basa ma-program-e
2 1806 Komputer
2 1805 Basa Ugi
2 1803 Wikipedia
2 1786 C (basa maprogram)
2 1353 Fisika
1 1830 4 (nomoro)
1 1831 5 (nomoro)
1 1832 6 (nomoro)
1 1788 Python
1 1833 7 (nomoro)
1 1824 Tawau
1 1834 8 (nomoro)
1 1835 9 (nomoro)
1 1819 Ugi
1 1811 Bola
1 18 Daftar ᨓᨊᨘᨕ ᨓᨊᨘᨕ ᨑᨗ ᨒᨗᨊᨚ
1 1355 Elektron
1 1814 Esbok
1 1829 Islam